FP (first person) SYSTEM

Things used


Percent complete: ~67%

The fp system is a project template fit for any first-person game, it's quite advanced and easy to use


Interaction system

the interaction system works by doing a raycast from the camera every frame, if it detects a hit it moves the ui elements to the hit entity's position.
The ui element's position is calculated by using the world_to_viewport function on the player camera's Camera component.
If the hit entity has a Name component it will set the "name" ui element's text to the name.
If the hit entity has an Interactable component, it will iterate thru the interactions listed in that component and spawn ui texts with the correct text as children in the "interactions" ui node.

The interactable component is defined like this

This system has a global resource called Interactions wich holds an array of SystemId<Entity>.
based on what the action: Int enum and the key: KeyCode are set to, when the system detects that it needs to run the interaction code, it gets the usize from the action: Int, and indexes into the array in the ESystems and gets a SystemId<Entity>, wich it runs using the commands.run_system_with_input function, with the input set to the Entityid of the interacted entity.

The one_handed: bool is used for held objects, wich is explained later.

the indexes for the systems are stored as contants, so I don't have to remember the numbers.
Here's an example of how this interaction system is used

Holding things

The holdable system allows for holding objects, and using them.
The system uses the interactable system to hold objects.
The system allows for holdables to have three systems at max: a primary, a secondary, and a reload.
The holdable component is defined like this:

The takes: Hands, determines how a holdable can be held
if it's Two, the holdable will only be able to be held if both arms are free.
if it's OneAndHalf or One, the holdable will be able to be used with one hand.

the way the primary and secondary systems are called is basically the same as in the interaction system, except the functions are located in the HSystems resource, wich holds SystemId<(Entity, bool)>
The bool in the input to the systems represents if the holdable is being held improperly.
A holdable is held incorrectly when it's takes is OneAndHalf and there is another object held in the other hand, or when it's either OneAndHalf or Two and the player is interacting with something.
if the thing being interacted with has the one_handed: bool set to false, then none of the held objects will be useable while the player is interacting.

the visibility: Vis shows how a holdable should be shown:

  • None means that the object will be invisible when held
  • Transform means that the held object will be shown at the specified transform as a child of the player's "held entites", with it's X coordinate negated when it's in the other hand
  • TransformD means that the held object will be shown at the first transform if it's the only currently held object, otherwise it'll do the same thing as Transform, with the second specified transform

the oscilate: bool tells the code, if there's two held objects that have the same primary sould the primary interactions oscillate between the left and the right hand, or should they run at the same time.

the sound: Option<Handle<AudioSource>> is a handle that tells the code what sound to play when the object is picked up.
the sound is spawned using the AudioBundle, with, in it's PlayBackSettings, the mode set to PlaybackMode::Despawn

Here's an example holdable object; the M9 Beretta

Here's how the system works in practice:

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